You are not alone

“To forget the self is to remember that we don’t exist alone, but in relation to other people, to other creatures, to the planet, and the universe.”   ~  Steve Hagen

As I walk through each day on my path of personal freedom, I am not surprised at the amount of people I come across who believe that they are all alone in this game we call life.

I ask them why they feel this way to hear what they feel inside, because I too walked many moons with the same exact feeling of being completely alone in this world.

I do receive the same answers from just about everyone. The first and foremost is “Nobody gets me” “No one could possibly understand what I went through or am going through”

Those are always followed by the three king fears. “I’m not good enough” leads the way, followed by the feeling of rejection and not getting what we want.

         I’ll let you in on a little secret. “You are not alone

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Building a relationship with God

For me, the first thing I had to do to begin to build a relationship with God was to accept the fact that the God of my understanding actually cared about me every moment of every single day of my life. I had to let go of the story that God was an old man with a white beard and robe with a staff floating in the sky and judging my every mistake, punishing me with threats of rivers of fire and gnashing of teeth, and not getting into heaven but being damned to hell.

Then I had to ask him straight out, “I need your help.” And mean it with trust and acceptance that he is real and not just willing to, but wanting to help me. It was a powerful moment. And I did just what I said, I got on my knees and simply said, “God I need you; I can’t go on living the way I am. I need your help. Please help me.” This wasn’t my typical foxhole prayer, do this for me and I’ll do this for you. No bartering this time. Just pure earnest ‘I need you.’

God answered me instantly. That night I had a dream about my fear of not being good enough. This one fear ruled my life one hundred percent. All my decisions where based on that fear alone. In the dream a gentleman helped me start the process of letting it go. When I left the house, outside waiting for me was Jesus. He hugged me and said he was proud of the work I did and said that we together where on our way.

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What is Fear?

“For I am the lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear, I will help you.” – Isaiah 41:13

I’d like to tell you a story;

In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. God then created man and woman. God then decided to give them the most precious gift he could think of, Free Will. Man will choose for himself and not be dictated to by God on how he is to live his life.

God is good, God is all powerful, everything he does is good. There is no wrong in all God creates. God presents the world to man and woman telling how everything in it is for them and their benefit. To sustain, nurture, protect and shelter them. Man and woman knew all was good and that there was no wrong, they were happy.

God showed man and woman the tree of knowledge. God warned them not to eat from this tree as he knew it would unlock the door.

Since man and woman were given free will, woman decided to exercise her free will and ate from the tree of knowledge. In so doing, new wonders and thoughts were opened up to her. She told man about these wonders and thoughts and he too ate from the tree. Once they received knowledge, man and woman became aware. Aware of their nakedness, aware of thoughts, aware of all the things around them.

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