Fear of not being good enough

“Just being ourselves is one of the biggest fears of humans. We have learned to live our life trying to satisfy other people’s demands. We have learned to live by other people’s points of view because of the fear of not being accepted and of not being good enough for someone else.”                     ~ Miguel Angel Ruiz

Fear of not being good enough is the second of the three king fears. Last time I talked about the fear of rejection. This time I will talk about not being good enough. As with all these blogs I write, they require you to be very vigilant and truthful to yourself. Are you really open enough to hear the message or are you letting “FEAR” decide ‘This doesn’t apply to me?’ And not being open to see the possibility that you are not in control. It is really, pride, ego, self-centeredness, selfish, self-seeking, fear itself, that keeps you from being open, honest and willing to look at yourself.

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What is Fear?

“For I am the lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear, I will help you.” – Isaiah 41:13

I’d like to tell you a story;

In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. God then created man and woman. God then decided to give them the most precious gift he could think of, Free Will. Man will choose for himself and not be dictated to by God on how he is to live his life.

God is good, God is all powerful, everything he does is good. There is no wrong in all God creates. God presents the world to man and woman telling how everything in it is for them and their benefit. To sustain, nurture, protect and shelter them. Man and woman knew all was good and that there was no wrong, they were happy.

God showed man and woman the tree of knowledge. God warned them not to eat from this tree as he knew it would unlock the door.

Since man and woman were given free will, woman decided to exercise her free will and ate from the tree of knowledge. In so doing, new wonders and thoughts were opened up to her. She told man about these wonders and thoughts and he too ate from the tree. Once they received knowledge, man and woman became aware. Aware of their nakedness, aware of thoughts, aware of all the things around them.

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